Welcome to EXO Bakery aka HOME4U's Valentine's Day event! We will be working with all our wonderful writers to gather all the sweet treats for our Valentine's Day grand opening!! In keeping with our domestic!AU theme, we will be exploring different themes/AUs with a domestic!spin on things to celebrate the holiday.

Open the doors to see what we have baking for you! And make sure to have lots of fun!

mod cookie | she/her | pain au chocolat & durian puffs | "you're the loaf of my life"
mod cupcake | she/her | macaroons & baklava | "you donut know how much i love you"



Prompting opens
Prompting closes
Claiming opens**
Final submissions


The concept of our Valentine's Day even is for each writer to put together a "mini dessert" of sorts made up of three (3) ingredients aka the fics. Each writer will get the opportunity to write three (3) short fics of max lengths: 1k, 3k, 1k. These will be combined together to create your Valentine's Day bakery item!

These fics can be of any ship that the writer chooses, and they can be self-prompted ideas or from the mini prompt fill archive we will have for writers to choose from. An example of prompt fills are given here and examples of how submissions will look for writers can be found here.


q: what counts as domestic?
a: anything where the characters are living together/near proximity of each other or associated with family life. this can be anything from college roommates, to an established relationship, to canonical dorm life! this does not necessarily need to be entirely fluff, or only focused on the domestic aspect! angst, backstory, and conflict is welcome — variety is the spice of life!

q: can i write/prompt about past members?
a: absolutely!

q: what are the word count requirements?
a: writers will be putting together three (3) short fics of lengths: 1k, 3k, 1k. this means there will be a max word count of 5k. the idea is to put together little "mini desserts" so to speak.

q: can i write/prompt smut?
a: of course — anything goes except for underage smut and non-con/dub-con. that being said, mods reserve the right to remove any prompts we deem inappropriate, at our own discretion. prompters will be contacted if a situation arises.

q: i missed claiming period! can I still join?
a: after initial prompt claims close, you may still select prompts on a rolling basis. please DM or email the mods.

q: what if i can't finish all three (3) fics?
a: do not fret! writers will still be included for our bakery grand opening if they manage to at least finish one (1) fic. mods will adjust their graphic accordingly.


You can submit prompts even if you do not plan to write, and there is no limit to the number of prompt fills you can submit. Since fics will be of shorter length than the average fest, prompt fills will also be less lengthy. Remember, the fic only needs to include some domestic scenes.

Examples of good short prompt fills are:
(1) bakery AU; making homemade chocolates together
(2) parents AU; Valentine's Day date after hiring babysitter to watch their kid
(3) A decided to give out candy to everyone they know...including their roommate B who immediately confesses

We will not accept plagiarism in any form of prompts.


Claiming of prompts will be first come, first serve. Note: It is not necessary that writers claim any prompts at all. If you would like to write something not based on options in the prompt fill archive, you are welcome to.

Writers that would like to "claim" prompts from the archive will fill out their top 5 choices to hopefully ensure they get three that they like. If writers want less than 3 choices, they can fill out either 1 or 2 choices and leave the rest of the form blank.

Also note that writers can write a mix of "claimed" prompts and self-prompted options.

Each prompt can only be claimed once.


There will be no check-ins for this writing challenge. The fic requirements for submission will be three (3) short fics with max lengths of 1k, 3k, and 1k words. Please talk to the mods if you need an extension or if you want to drop out. Extensions will only last as long as posting period lasts.

Fics will be directly uploaded to the collection by the writers. (If you need help with this, please reach out to the mods.) If you would like to be completely anonymous, that is also an option if you contact the mods.

Writers will have a set of three (3) fics that will be "revealed" at the same time. But please remember that we will have an author reveals, so writers must stay anonymous during the posting period.